An acolyte performs a variety of liturgical roles, including: lighting candles, leading processions by carrying a cross or torch, censing the church, and assisting at the altar during the Eucharist. If you are interested in becoming an acolyte, please contact Bob Bratcher.
Members of the Altar Guild prepare the worship space for liturgy. The primary duty is to set out vessels and linens for the Eucharist on Sundays, cleaning and storing them after service, and setting the music board with the appropriate hymns and liturgical date. If you are interested in Altar Guild, please contact Chrissy Barroso | chrissy.6742@gmail.com.
Advent offers a ministry of radical hospitality with coffee hours after services on Sundays and various receptions, an annual potluck, and other events throughout the year. If you would like to help with the coffee hour hospitality ministry, please contact Jerretta and Bob Bratcher for the 8:30 service or Debbi Rodahaffer | debbi@adventky.org for the 10:30 service.
Every week, Advent parishioners dedicate flower memorials to the glory of God, in honor of or in thanksgiving for someone special in their lives. The Flower Guild is responsible for ordering and arranging the weekly flowers that are a memorial to God’s glory and that beautify our church. If you are interested in Flower Guild, please contact Debbi Rodahaffer at admin@adventky.org.
During the Liturgy of the Word on Sundays, two lectors “proclaim the Word,” reading the Old Testament Reading and the Epistle. Lectors also assist in various special services throughout the year, reading the lessons associated to those services (e.g., Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, etc.). If you are interested in becoming a lector, please contact Hepsie Roskelly | heroskelly@gmail.com.
Advent’s Choir is a vital part of our 10:30 liturgy and other services throughout the year. In addition to Sunday worship, the choir also performs periodically at various concerts and meets for rehearsal every Wednesday evening. In addition to the choir, we have a core of able instrumentalists who enhance our worship from time to time. Austin Echols, the Organist-Choirmaster, welcomes discussions with potential choir members or instrumentalists or about anything else related to music. He may be reached at austin@adventky.org.
Advent’s Prayers of People team writes the weekly Prayers of the People, which are read each week during the Holy Eucharist. The prayers are written based on one of the forms in the Book of Common Prayer (BCP), pp. 383-393. If you are interested in writing prayers, please contact Hepsie Roskelly.
The face of our ushers is the first face most of our visitors see on Sundays. The ushers/greeters stand just inside the narthex of the church, welcoming attendees and providing a service leaflet. In addition, ushers/greeters assist in the liturgy by passing the collection plates, taking the gifts (bread and wine) to the altar at the beginning of the Liturgy of the Table, and by assisting and directing congregants at the altar rail during Holy Communion. If you are interesting in becoming an usher/greeter, please contact Bob Bratcherfor the 8:30 service or Steve Cook for the 10:30 service. You may contact Gwen O’Dea about becoming a greeter at either service.
The Worship Committee is committed to providing meaningful worship experiences for our members and visitors, that we might experience ourselves as the Body of Christ. The Worship Committee exists to provide guidance for what happens during our public worship times, principally with the Holy Eucharist as the principal act of Christian worship on the Lord’s Day at 8:30 am and 10:30 am. The Committee’s role is to examine our various worship experiences and make recommendations to the rector for ways that they can be strengthened and improved. The Committee serves in an advisory role to the rector. To join this advisory committee, contact the Rector at FrTim@adventky.org.