Children’s Worship
and Nursery
Our Vision
We believe that children are spiritual beings seeking the language, practices, and faith history to give voice to the spiritual longings they have within. We want to listen and learn from them, as much as we want to teach them about what it means to follow Jesus.
Our vision is to help teach children the language of being an Episcopalian and we want to help them connect what they are learning in Children’s Worship with their daily lives through ritual.
We are deepening together!

While children are always welcome to remain in worship for the entire service, Children’s Worship, for children five through the fifth grade, is offered during the 10:30 a.m. worship service. The children and their leaders are called forward for a blessing. A child then leads the way, carrying the Children’s Cross and Candle, to their sacred space in the Upper Hall. Each Sunday, as our lesson reference, the leaders refer to The Episcopal Children’s Curriculum created and published by Virginia Theological Seminary. The curriculum covers all aspects of learning about our faith through storytelling, craft, and activity. What we consider the most important lessons for children to take with them each Sunday are “they are loved by God and they are loved by the people of Advent.” When children move up from the fifth grade, they become full participants in church through acolyting, lectoring, and ushering.
The children return to church during the Peace to sit with their families for Holy Eucharist.
Please note that Children’s Worship pauses the Sunday after Derby, May 5, 2024, and for the summer, with May 26, 2024, as the last date until September 8, 2024. The nursery is open year-round for children 0-4 years of age during the 10:30 a.m. service.
Throughout the year, we offer childcare for 0-4 years of age during our 10:30 am liturgy, which allows parents to attend worship more attentively as their children enjoy the company of other children while playing together, listening to great music, and hearing books about God. Parents can pick up their children in time for Holy Communion, or have them remain in the nursery until the worship service ends. Nursery workers are permitted to release children only to the adult that signs them in.
Our nursery is located on the second floor, and any usher can show you the way.
Your child’s safety and care is paramount to us. We have two dedicated and trained nursery workers, plus a rotation of parent volunteers as back-up.
Each week we provide a simple snack for toddlers–Cheerios or Goldfish crackers. We ask that no outside snacks containing nuts come into the nursery due to some attending children having severe allergies.