Advent/St. Andrews Food Pantry
- No-contact Drive-Thru* Pantry will be held from 9-11am
- • All food will be pre-boxed and placed in guest trunks
- All volunteers will wear masks and practice social distancing
- All guests should wear masks at all times (even in cars)
- Cars should proceed North on Baxter Ave. (toward downtown)
and turn Right onto Cherokee Rd. - Food boxes will be delivered to car trunks behind the church
*Guests without cars are still welcomed, but volunteers will not be able to assist with loading

Meals on Wheels
Louisville Metro’s weekly frozen meal delivery to seniors on Fridays is still ongoing for HCM clients. Staff and volunteers who work this program have had no physical contact with employees in the food pantry building.
Seniors 60+ who are not Meals on Wheels clients can call the Louisville Metro Office of Resilience and Community Services at 502/574-5223 to receive a meal pack. Seniors in HCM’s area of 40204 and 40205 can call HCM instead, if desired. These meals will be delivered to the senior’s home by Red Cross Wheels. There is no pickup at HCM.
For more information about HCM senior meals, call Tiffany Murphy at 502/451-3695 x260.

On the third Saturday of each month the Church of the Advent / St. Andrew’s Food Pantry with Pet Food distributes boxed pantrystaples, fresh produce, meat, and pet food to neighbors in need. Food is distributed from 9:00 to 11:00 A.M. curbside. The pantry welcomes guests from all area zip codes. For service, guests need only present a current photo I.D.
We are a proud partner agency of Dare to Care Food Bank.
For any questions, or to join this ministry, please contact Deacon Barbara at
Pet Food
Volunteers are always needed for this vital part of our food ministry. To learn ways in which you can help with the Advent/St. Andrew’s Food Pantry with Pet Food, click here.
To learn about the history of the Advent/St. Andrew’s Food Pantry with Pet Food, click here.