How to Help the Food Pantry with Pet Food
Volunteers are always needed for this vital part of our food ministry. Share the unique gift that is you with our neighbors at the food pantry on the third Saturday of each month; help set the table for the Saturday pantry on the third Thursday at 10:00AM; help transport food from Dare to Care to Advent; receive and sort deliveries; bag pet food. If you have a passion or a skill, chances are this ministry can use it!
Church of the Advent / St. Andrew’s Food Pantry with Pet Food welcomes donations of non-perishable food items, canned pet food, and light-weight kitty litter. Donations of the following items are especially welcome:
- canned seafood
- beans, dried and canned
- hot and cold cereal
- cooking oil
- pasta and pasta sauce
- tomato products
- soup, chili, stew
- canned vegetables*
- boxed / packaged sides
- baking mixes
- jellies, jams, syrups
- ground coffee, tea, hot cocoa
*(other than green beans, green peas, and corn which are readily available from Dare to Care)
Should you prefer to support the purchase of food and pet food through a cash donation, please make checks payable to St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church and write Food Pantry with Pet Food in the memo line.
If you would like to support the operations of the Food Pantry with Pet Food, please consider donating items on the Amazon wish list:
Should you prefer to support Food Pantry with Pet Food operations (shopping carts, shopping bags, Ziploc bags, storage shelves, containers, freezers, or similar items) through a cash donation, please make checks payable to Church of the Advent and write Food Pantry Operations in the memo line.
For additional information or to volunteer, please contact Deacon Barbara, Food Ministry Coordinator, at
To learn about the history of the Advent/St. Andrew’s Food Pantry with Pet Food, click here.