You are welcome here

Becoming a member of Church of the Advent entails our becoming a spiritual home for you.  It may also publicly express a commitment to affirm, live and grow in the Christian way and life as rooted and expressed in the tradition of the Episcopal Church; to worship and participate in a communal parish life; and to support the community with faithful living, personal service, and financial contribution as you are able. 

How to Join

Just show up.

Okay, this may not be the only requirement, but it is, by far, the most important.  We don’t want to be known as a church where weekly attendance is taken, annual contributions are tabulated, and your membership is assigned only if you pass muster.  We are much less concerned about counting the people who are in, than we are about leaving someone out.  We believe the churchc should reflect the open and accepting arms of Jesus.

We are delighted you may be interested in becoming a member of Church of the Advent. To be an official member of record, all that is required is to provide your baptism, confirmation and/or reception date.

  • If you have not been baptized we invite you to contact the Rev. Tim Mitchell via email at or phone at (502) 451-6066 to learn more about our upcoming classes and how you can be involved.
  • If you are a member of another Episcopal parish, a Letter of Transfer is typically requested, and we can assist you with that.
  • If you are coming from another Christian tradition, it is appropriate for Church of the Advent to send a courtesy letter to your former church requesting your baptism information or you can simply provide us the date and place of your baptism.  If one is baptized in a parish, he or she automatically becomes a member.

We want you to know that wherever you are in your spiritual journey, you are welcome to participate in all the ministries, events and life of our parish.  The paperwork generally plays a back-up role to the importance of a faith community, or communities, in your life.  We hope that Advent becomes a spiritual home for you.

  • To become a member: complete the form below and press the submit button at the end.
  • If you would like to join our weekly e-newletter list, select that option in the form below.
  • To learn about ways to get involved, please explore our ministries and service opportunities.