Adult Formation & Education

Formation is the lifelong process of growing in a relationship with God, self, others, and all creation. In this process, we are transformed into the people God wants us to be.

At the Church of the Advent, we either host or are involved in a variety of formation opportunites and programs throughout the year that allow us to grow and develop as followers of Jesus Christ and as members of our church community. If you are interested in any of the opportunities below, please reach out to the contact person listed, or contact our Minister for Parish Life, Debbi Rodahaffer at

Adult Formation Classes


This Class typically meets Sunday mornings between at 9:30 AM in the Vestry Room. You do not need to sign up or attend every session to participate. Each session is a stand-alone class.

Inquirer Classes

Come and learn about the Episcopal Way and the reasoned approach of our tradition. From new visitors to long-term members and adults and teenagers – all are welcome to attend.

This will serve as preparation for those seeking baptism, confirmation, and reception into the Episcopal Church.

Topics include:

  • the Jesus movement and the Episcopal Way
  • the meaning of baptism, confirmation and Eucharist
  • the history and identity of the Episcopal Church
  • questions and theologies for our time
  • the Episcopal Church as it relates to other faith traditions
  • our rich spiritual tradition

For more details regarding upcoming Inquirer Classes, contact